Anteon Promotional Animation
Project Details:
Before GDIT bought out Anteon Corp in 2005, I was tasked with creating a corporate promotional animation. Utilizing my own creative flair while matching corporate branding guidelines, I created a compelling video from a text story board. The music was developed by a talented co-working, sound effects were free for commercial use downloads, and the voice over was outsourced to a third party.
- Illustrated Anteon logo in Adobe Illustrator
- Used Adobe Photoshop for editing any images
- Used Adobe Flash for animation, voice over/sound effects timing
- Exported individual frames and audio file from Adobe Flash.
- Combined the audio and individual frames using Adobe Premiere Pro to produce the finial video. An interactive flash version produced.
Project Significance:
At first, no one knew that I added the Anteon logo to stock photography (@ 42 seconds) to ensure that the Anteon brand stood out. Leadership, finial asked where I acquired the Anteon images only to find out that I used advanced photoshop techniques to add the Anteon logo to images.